Thursday, September 18, 2008

Side Note:

New York is definitely fancy. There are lots of new restaurants to try, all kinds of products that you want to get your hands on, and definitely lots of things to see! But I'm finding (even though I already knew what about about to say, it's amazing how real it becomes) unless you've got money to spend, NY is by no means glamorous. I think I've spent about 50% of my trip if not more riding a subway, walking to a subway, walking from the subway, riding a bus, in a taxi, or on the PATH train. Unless you're with someone, people typically tend to spend this time ignoring everyone else. It's a bit sad to me.

Although, I do have a better impression of people here then the last time I visited NY. If you're looking at a map, it doesn't take more than about a minute for someone to ask if you need help. The other day I even had a gentleman offer to carry my suitcase up the stairs from the subway. I don't know what people are talking about when they say New Yorkers are cold. I've found the majority of them to be very helpful!

About the apt. hunt:
The property that I was in love with was no longer available... go figure. But I did look at some other properties. There was one that was BEAUTIFUL. BUT, it was 3,950... yes, that's per month. And it was only a 2 BR. It could be converted to a 3, but then there would be no living room.

I did visit a girl in New Jersey (about a 30 min. ride from Midtown) that is renting out a room. She was very nice. The place was spacious (there would be lots of room for New Year's visitors!!!!!! wink wink wink) . There's a nice park for Keona nearby. And the best part is the rent is only $800 (utilities included). I know you're thinking "ONLY?" But trust me, that's a steal for an apartment that isn't the size of a twin bed. The only thing about it is there's not much within short walking distance. I would be taking a lot of buses. It seems like a pretty good deal, esp. with the situation I'm in. I just can't bear to let go of the idea of living in the city just yet. I know it will come it time, I just want it now! (stomps feet and pounds fists like a little child).

:) I'm thinking I'll either go with that one for now or rent a 2 bedroom no living room for about $2080 (1040/person) in SOHO-ish area. But that is $240 more... and I'd be living in one of those shoe boxes.

Opinions? Feedback?.... both would be greatly welcome!!!!


Nicole said...

I'm thinking the NJ place sounds pretty good... atleast for now. Maybe, you could live there for a while, until you find something suitable in the city.

Val said...

Would the NJ girl make you sign a lease or could you rent month to month? If she'd let you do short term that might be helpful...