Friday, April 3, 2009

In a nutshell

Happy April Fool's Day. Joke's on me. My day went like this yesterday:

-Got up early (good)
-Made it to the bus stop early (even better)
-Got on the bus and the driver told me my bus pass was expired (doh! not so good...)
-I turn around to get off the bus and look to see if I have cash to pay my way... bus driver stops me and gives me the go ahead to ride without paying (back to good)
-Since I didn't check for cash, it wasn't until the bus was on it's way that I realized that I forgot my wallet at home (not good, but bearable)
-Rembering that that means I have an expired bus pass and no cash for a ticket for the return trip home (hmmm......bad)

-Debra saves the day and lends me $10 for bus ride and lunch (even though I brought a sandwich). "You'll need a drink... or something." (She must have been referring to my recently developed iced latte habit.)

-Get home and make an awesome dinner (fantastic!)
-Burn my arm with a baking sheet... Yeah. I don't know either (not so fantastic!) At least it balances out the huge burn on my leg. Thanks again for that souvenier, Martin.
And yet, I wouldn't say it was a bad day. Makes for fantastic stories ;)

Previous scar, meet new scar.