Tuesday, October 28, 2008

I'm in the money

.. well relatively speaking I guess. I finally finished training at the restaurant. I (along with all the trainers) still can't believe they made me do the whole training program. Regardless, it was a good refresher, and now I'm FINALLY on the floor by myself. Yesterday was my first shift taking my own tables. I waited around for 2 hours before finally getting my first one. Throughout the night, I had 5 total. Not too shabby. I did a lot of running for what I thought would be more money. Even though it wasn't as much as I thought I would make, it was definitely more than I had the day before. So all in all it was a good night.

Then there was today. My second shift. I got called off. Oye! This does not bode well. I had to do what they call "sharking." Once I got my phone call informing me that I would no longer be needed for the evening, I got dressed in my uniform anyway and made the 15 minute walk to the restaurant hoping that there would be some poor slacker willing to give up their night's worth of money so I could take over their shift. Mind you, this is in essence an act of desperation. An essential begging of sorts as I ask each sever walking in the door if they'd like to turn right back around and go home :) I almost gave up after about 9 "no's." My last chance was one girl. Finally, some relief! She gave her section to me and went home! Yay! I was able to make some money!! :)

I'm not so good at begging, so I hope this calling off business doesn't become too frequent!! One more serving day for the week, then it's back to the photo world!

1 comment:

Val said...

Yay! Seems like things are really coming together now! Congrats again - you deserve it!