Wednesday, February 18, 2009

I almost gave up on blogspot

.. and then I had some pictures I wanted to share. Obviously things did not go so well using Contribute to post pictures. It almost did... and then I got an error message. Go figure. So, I took a break. It's been busy anway, lots to do. Nothing too exciting though. I intern, then I work, grocery shop, do laundry, clean, then intern again. And so go my weeks. I've found that when people ask "How was your week?" my response is "Good." I realized that's my reply because I can't seem to remember anything bad happening off hand, therefore it must have been good. Everything just blurs together. Apparently that'll happen to you up here. I'd heard of the New York minute, but to experience it is a whole different story. Then end of February will mark my 5th month in NY/NJ. I don't believe it!

Dani, friend and essentially my 'little sister' just booked her tickets to NY today! I told her that since I couldn't make it to her graduation in FL, I'd treat her to a trip up here. (Don't worry Chelsea, you'll get yours next year ;) It is next year that you graduate...right? When did we all grow up?!) Dani will be in town April!! And if memory serves me right, it'll be her first trip to the big city! Is it April yet?

Work was amazing this weekend! Long... but amazing. I worked 4 days, which is the most in one week at the restaurant. It was a nice treat. Hopefully it's a sign of things picking up!

Val, here's a picture for you:

Passed this window walking in Chelsea. Knew I had to take a picture of it.

And now for the pictures that inspired me to post again.
I took these a few weeks ago and just got to working on them. I wanted to share and the immediate reaction was to post them on facebook, but I try to stay away from putting my personal work on there. Hopefully, at some point I will post these on my website, but for now... the will live on blogspot.


Val said...

1st of all YAY! for the window in Chelsea! :P

2nd of all WOW! those pics are amazing! I'm glad that you're getting to do some personal work in between all the chaos of your other 3 jobs. :) hehe...

Keep me posted on everything and keep posting on here!!!

skg said...

...4 Jobs :)

And it was literally in between... I was walking from the 20th street location of the gallery to their other location on 24th street when I saw those images waiting to be made :)

Studio222 Photography said...

I LOOOOVVVEEE that pink one! It needs to be a big 24x30 metallic print! So pretty!

Val said...

4??? seriously! Do you have a life? :P

skg said...

yeah... the two internships, and two jobs. working as studio manager/ assistant for a photographer on Tues. mornings.

and I decided getting back to working out would be a good idea. So I signed up for a membership today. I tried to work some in return for a free membership. He asked me "wait, so are you looking to get rid of one of your jobs or add to it?" I grinned....and he laughed.

Unfortunately all the positions are full right now. So, I had to do it the old fashioned way and lay down some plastic.

have a life?... not so much.... but at least I can pay my bills on my minimal budget that way! :)